Delivering social, economic, and ecological justice to Highland Parkers through moments of crisis and beyond.
Sign up to get resources or support your community!
What We’re Doing.
The Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition's mission is to deliver social, economic, and ecological justice to Highland Parkers through moments of crisis and beyond. We have formed initially to provide immediate needs and economic relief to Highland Parkers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. We aim to become a long term source of community resilience for Highland Parkers that moves from #Crisis2Justice.
How We’re Doing It.
Utility Assistance
Mental Wellness
Citywide Communications
Healthy Food & Water Access
Food & Personal Supplies
Youth Activities
Cloth Mask Production
Drive-Thru Testing

Get Support. Get Involved.
This form was created to assess the needs of residents in Highland Park, MI and surrounding communities. Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and sign up to get resources or support your community! If you need this form translated in another language please contact us. Thanks for joining us in mutual community care during this time.
This form is for organizations who need support or have something to offer to the HPC3 effort. Please complete the form and you will be followed up with! Thanks for joining us in mutual community care during this time.

“In the middle of catastrophe, in the middle of disaster, people—particularly people who have already suffered—see an opportunity to evolve to another stage of humanity.”
— Grace Lee Boggs
You can reach us at hpc3help@gmail.com. Thanks for joining us in mutual community care during this time.
Much love, Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition (HPC3)
Join this Facebook group in order to read posts about and be connected to ongoing efforts & resources.